stewardMRV Volunteers Thatcher and Susan Simpson live in Fayston and they have volunteered to steward the Ward River Access in Moretown

What brought us to the valley? 
While I had skied here many times, honestly, we ended up here quite accidentally. We simply decided to retire in VT and have relatives in the area, so it seemed to be a good idea as the Valley is an amazing place.

Where are you originally from? 
Susan and I are originally from Pittstown. A small bucolic farm town in Hunterdon County New Jersey. It’s very beautiful there, really!

What I love most about the valley? 
The beautiful setting and the vast opportunity for outdoor activities.

Why did you join stewardMRV? 
I’ve always had a sizable disdain for garbage and those who leave it around. My wife and I have always been involved in community organizations that focused on mountain bike trail maintenance and community cleanup. When Tom Spencer approached me at a BBQ after a mad river riders trail maintenance day.  The steward program seemed like a good fit for my wife and I, so we joined up.  This is our second year stewarding the Ward’s River Access.

What do you find most personally rewarding about being a steward? 
Helping to beautify and give back to our community.  It’s very rewarding to be a part of team so committed to a common goal for the common good.    We all do a little bit that really adds up to a lot!

What is your favorite find/story/moment about being a steward?
In our short time as stewards we have found a variety of unusual items including an abandoned pick-up truck, a used she-wee (female urinal device) and an empty box of “adult toys”.  It’s a good thing we always wear rubber gloves when making our rounds!

The post stewardMRV – Steward Profile appeared first on Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce.