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stewardMRV is transforming the way our community takes care of its outdoor recreation access points. Proper stewardship is essential in maintaining the resiliency of recreation and the health of the environment in the Mad River Valley (MRV).The biggest component of the program is our corps of commit volunteers. We’d like you to meet them…

Patty Pasley from Fayston

What brought you to the Valley? Skiing and golf. I grew up in Michigan, lived in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area for 13 years and relocated with my husband, Tom, to Vermont in 2000 to raise our kids in a less hectic place.

What do you love most about the valley? The wide range of recreational, creative, civic, environmental, social, spiritual, and charitable activities that are so easy to access. I think there might be some magic in them thar hills!

Why did you join stewardMRV? I’m involved in coordinating Green Up Day in the Valley, so keeping a trailhead tidy throughout the year was a natural extension of my interest in having clean and healthy roadsides and waterways.

What do you do as a steward? I keep the Chase Brook parking lot, McCullough Barn, and trailhead clear of trash. I change the bags in the garbage can. I weed whack to help keep the space inviting for visitors. I prune the berry bushes back from the trails. And I pull knotweed to help mitigate its spread in the area. (My husband Tom sometimes helps!)

What do you find most personally rewarding about being a steward? The notion that my small contributions at Chase Brook adds to a bigger story of sustainability, conservation, and caring about our outdoor spaces in the Valley.

What is your favorite story/find/moment being a steward? I was picking up trash by myself on Route 100 on Green Up Day 2022 when a man (stewardMRV director Tom Spencer) stopped his truck, got out, and started walking toward me. Truth be told, I was a little scared, but he smiled, held out his hand, and introduced himself. Turns out, I knew his family in Williston, and his daughter and mine had connections at St. Lawrence University. One of those small-world moments. He recruited me then and there to join the program.


What do you hope to see improve in the Valley? Continued support for maintaining the health and beauty of our very special outdoor spaces.  I also hope to see further involvement by everyone within community in helping keep it clean!


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